Reseda High School

Classes of

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RHS Faculty - Class of 1959

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Mrs. Consuelo Seymour Mr. Gordon Sheldon Mr. Waymon Shofstall Mr. Raymond Smith
Foreign Language Industrial Arts Driver Education Social Studies
Mr. Albert Sobo Mr. James Soules Mr. Norman Steffes Mr. Philip Sternshein
Art Industrial Arts English Business Education
Mr. Earle Stoddard Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton Mr. Donald Thibeault Mr. Hugh Thompson
Science English Social Studies Mathematics
Mr. James Tippet Mr. William Trierweiler Mr. Ronald Turoonjian Mr. Morris Verity
Physical Education Art English Driver Education
Mr. Luther Waldo Mrs. Ann Walker Miss Judith Ward Mr. Richard Wassmouth
Mathematics Business Education Health Office Science
Mr. George Winslow Mr. Gerald Wondra Miss Marjorie Wyckoff Mr. Robert Young
Mathematics English Physical Education Social Studies
  Mr. Herman Zivetz Mr. Zuniga  
  Social Studies Ph ysical Education  


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All Rights Reserved - Last modified: 08/07/2023
Site designed and maintained by Lynne Anderson - Class of S'60
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