Reseda High School

Classes of

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RHS Faculty - Class of 1959

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Mr. David Kenyon Mr. Warren King Mrs. Lalah Kinney Mr. Paul Kluth
Driver Education Industrial Arts   Art
Mr. Eugene Kocol Mr. Don Krause Miss Hazel Kurlyama Miss Constance LaMaida
Industrial Arts Social Studies Business Education Physical Education
Mr. Edward Lambert Mr. Harold Lambert Mrs. Margaret Lane Mr. Billy Lasiter
Business Education Physical Education Geography Art
Mr. Edward Leahy Mr. Dan Leary Mr. Marvin Lee Mr. Norman Lerman
Physical Education English Physical Education Physical Education
Mrs. Thelma Lindenberg Mr. Charles Marcus Mr. Gainor Maxwell Mr. Ludolph McClain
Foreign Language Science Mathmetics Art
Mr. Charles McClure Miss Joan McCormick Mr. Don McElroy Mr. Donald McKnight
Mathematics English Social Studies Industrial Arts

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All Rights Reserved - Last modified: 08/07/2023
Site designed and maintained by Lynne Anderson - Class of S'60
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