Reseda High School

Classes of

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RHS Faculty - Class of 1959

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Mr. Alvin Giegerich Mr. Howard Gielow Mrs. Forestine Gillett Mrs. Lucille Goldbeck
Industrial Arts Science Mathematics Homemaking
Mrs. Julia Goodenough Mr. Bernard Goodmanson Miss Ruth Gregorius Mrs. Audrey Hake
Science English Physical Education Social Studies
Dr. Mary Harker Miss Shirley Harper Mr. Donald Hepburn Miss Margaret Hindee
Social Studies Foreign Language Mathematics Music
Mrs. Kathleen Hodge Mrs. Barbara Hopper Mr. Frank Howard Mrs. Marjorie Johnson
Homemaking Science Driver Education English
Mr. Harold Johnston Mrs. Bertha Kalm Mr. Theodore Kalnas Miss Susan Kanzer
English   Foreign Language Physical Education
Mr. Jack Karlin Mr. Sol Kaufler Mrs. Tatiana Keatinge Mrs. Jane Kent
Art English & Social Studies Library English

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All Rights Reserved - Last modified: 08/07/2023
Site designed and maintained by Lynne Anderson - Class of S'60
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