Reseda High School

Classes of

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RHS Faculty - Class of 1959

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Mr. Jack Clark Mr. Arthur Cole Miss Laura Cooper Mr. Gino Dalessi
Science English Foreign Language Science
Miss Danzel Mr. Stanley Davis Miss Agnes Delgado Mr. Edward Dunn
Homemaking Art Mathematics Social Studies
Mr. William Dunn Miss Gertrude Ebeling Mr. Herbert Eckert Mr. George Edmiston
Mathematics English Industrial Arts Social Studies
Mrs. June Falotico Mr. David Farley Mrs. Barbara Faust Mrs. Bonnie Feers
English English Social Studies Science
Mr. Harold Finn Mrs. Jean Fleming Mr. David Fogerson Mr. Harold Fossett
Business Education English Mathematics Mathematics
Mr. Robert Franklin Mr. Leonard Gagliardi Mr. Homer Gansz Mr. Cecil Gates
English Music Science Industrial Arts

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Site designed and maintained by Lynne Anderson - Class of S'60
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